Christina Mrozik: "People could see how valuable they are outside of their actions or words, that they are valuable simply because they exist, and that that is enough"
BPP: Who are you? And who you really are?
Christina Mrozik: Someone who is struggling just like everyone else, to find the keys to peace, to understand the breadth and depth of patience, and the act of unselfish love. I am learning not only to love the questions, but to live them.
BPP: If you could say something important to others who were
Christina Mrozik: I would tell them that it is important to recognize when our ignorance is wisdom and when it is destruction. This take buckets of humility and more importantly grace. 

Crows - Cow
BPP: What is your true dream, the one that keeps you up at night
and if one day it were to come true you would feel peace and
calmness in your heart?
Christina Mrozik: That people could see how valuable they are outside of their actions or words, that they are valuable simply because they exist, and that that is enough.
BPP: How is life currently for the people in your country and what
would you wish for them and for the planet at large?
Christina Mrozik: Currently I think there is a great divide in the quality of life for the people in the United States. My wish is that people could find ways to conquer their fear, and experience the limitlessness of their capabilities and creativity. Whether we are are struggling or in excess, we live in a symbiotic world and we effect one another, wouldn't it be wonderful if we better believed that we had the choice in how we participate in that effect.
I must wait for you
BPP: If you had a chance to be a child again would you choose the
same life?
Christina Mrozik: My childhood was full of complications, but I do know that however unstable it may have been, it has taught me that everyone has a story, has a reason for who they are, and are the outcome of a series of events. I think learning this as a child has helped me better embrace others without judgement, and has made my heart more empathetic than it would have been otherwise.
Sacre Couer
Work in progress
Work in progress
BPP: What was the exact moment that you realized what you
wanted to do with your life? How did you feel at this very moment?
Christina Mrozik: I have a paper I wrote when I was in fourth grade about "What I Want to Be When I Grow Up," but my mother says she knew earlier because of the way I would devour crayons. I don't think I felt anything enlightening, but rather I felt collected, like I had a place to focus my energy.
Photo by Pat Perry
Photo by Pat Perry
Photo by Pat Perry
BPP: Would you like to tell us something we didn’t ask until now?
Christina Mrozik: In the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald, " For what it's worth; it's never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you're proud of, and if you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."
I wish everyone such joy, that they feel the fear of bursting.
Thanks Beautiful People Project.
Christina Mrozic's sketch for BPProject
If you want to learn more about Christina Mrozic, please visit:
Photos © copyright by Christina Mrozic. All rights reserved.
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