Friday, March 2, 2012

Martine Elsea Muller, Fine Art Photographer, Mers-les-Bains, France

     Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

Martine Elsea Muller:  La Dame qui a capturé l'objectif de la beauté et l'érotisme

BPP:: Identity:  Who you are?  And who you really are?

Martine Elsea Muller: I am a Fine Art Photographer, 50 years old
The Art of Mlle. M ( Martine Elsea Muller ) is a rare virtue of a sensitive & personal approach.
The images suggest a timeless moment where black and white & monochrome gives an atmosphere created in inspiration that motivates the soul of the observer.

"Self portrait" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

Martine Elsea Muller: Portraits, nudes and urban images convey a subtle approach which is personal, and always invites delicate poetry of the soul.

"Me"  - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

BPP: If you could say something important you've learned all these years of your life, to the other people and they were able to listen to you, what would you like to tell them?

Martine Elsea Muller: I learned that real love is the best we have in life, and also how to believe in myself whatever happens. 

"Dreams 1 " - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

BPP: What is your real dream, the one that keeps you awake at nights and if one day it will come true, you will feel your heart calm and peaceful

Martine Elsea Muller: My second dream is to open an Artist’s house. One which talented people can stay and learn from each other. For them to themselves through their art. And a lot of the benefits they will make will be for mothers and childrens in bad situations.

"Corps sage" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

"Under my skin" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

"Dame de coeur" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

Martine Elsea Muller:  I said the second one, cause my first one has just come true. I found real love. And I have the chance , he is an artist too. And a very talented one. The painter Cliff Warner.

" Demandez Moi" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

BPP: How is life for the people in your country today? What do you wish to happen to them at to the people of this planet at large?

Martine Elsea Muller:  I have the chance to live in a beautiful country. At the sea. People there live from the sea and there are a lot of tourists. I wish all of them and all others in this world to be in peace with themselves first, and to find a way to make their dreams real too. And that we all think more about looking after ecology. We need our world, & our children too.

"Perdue" - Image courtesy:Martine Elsea Muller 

"De l'autre côté de la mer" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller 

" Mon fils" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller  

BPP: If you had the chance to be a child again, will you choose to do the same life you do?

 Martine Elsea Muller: I think no one can choose his parents or the country they are born in.So I just would like , if I could make a choice, it is that every child has a chance to study through good education..

"Prendre une photo, c'est déja lui donner vie" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

BPP: Which exactly was the moment you understood what did you want to do in your life? How did you feel at his very moment?

Martine Elsea Muller: At a time in my life where I was realy alone and down myself. In this moment the photography cames into my life. It is my way to express myself. More than words. The photography is a part of me. Like my blood ,my children, and my love.

"Hairdress" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

 "Jeune fille" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

"Fillettes" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

"Le Phare du Treport" - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

BPP: Something yours: Do you want to tell us something we didn't ask you until now?

Martine Elsea Muller: I wish people would be able to see the photography more than just a picture. That they would be able to see that photography has a life.
And a powerful positive energy.

Self portrait - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

'Rouge et Noir' - Model : Anne  Sophie Fauconnier - Image courtesy: Martine Elsea Muller

Martine Elsea Muller's Drawing for BPProject

If you want to learn more about Martine Elsea Muller, visit:

Photos © by Martine Elsea Muller. All rights reserved

1 comment:

  1. Black and white photography may possibly present Αθήνα φωτογράφος γάμου spectacular natural stone carving textures, untamed energetic skies, as well as strange atmospheres.
