Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - Photo © Craig Smit
Olga Saretsky: “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”
BPP: Identity: Who you are? And who you
really are?
Olga Saretsky: Hello, I am Olga Saretsky, born in 1977, working as a performance artist and costume designer out of Miami, Florida. Since XY, I run my own company named "KikimoraStudio", which can described best as "High Fashion Circus".
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - Photo © by Craig Smit
Originally I am from Kazakhstan, a transcontinental country in Central Asia.
are not here to transform the world and create love on earth. In truth, you
aren't here. Here is in You. You are openness. Abide as openness, live as love,
and appear as limits. You really have no choice", David Deida
My purpose
in life is to live accordingly to this words.
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky- photo © by Ken Elliot
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo by Ken Elliot
BPP: If you could say something
important you've learned all these years of your life, to the other people and
they were able to listen to you, what would you like to tell them?
Olga Saretsky: Listen to your self.
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo © by Craig Smit

Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo by Craig Smit
BPP: What is your real dream, the one that keeps you awake at nights and if one day it will come true, you will feel your heart calm and peacefull?
Olga Saretsky:Picture: Watching my husband making the tea for just 2 of us in warm late summer afternoon and feeling infinite love to all and everything.
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo by: Craig Smith
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo by Craig Smit
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo © by Craig Smit
BPP: How is life for the people in your country today? What do you wish to happen to them and to the people of this planet at large?
Olga Saretsky: My country is changing and evolving and so do the people like my family and friends. I love
them and love the place where i grew up. I have fond memories of those times. Now, I've
chosen to go other ways and I am happy with it. I love, I live and I dream. I wish that to
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo © by Craig Smit
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo by Craig Smit
BPP: If you had the chance to be a child again, will you choose to do the same life you do?
Olga Saretsky: My childhood was very short. Somewhere in between the age of 4 and 6, I knew, that i was going to be a teacher, a performer, a designer, a social worker, a world traveller and most important, the best person i could possibly be.
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky- photo © by Craig Smit
I would not change a thing from my early age and I am pretty sure, I would choose the same journey through life. I am not saying that I've already achieve it all, and you always live and learn, but I can gladly say, that I definitely achieve other things that i didn't even knew or thought about before. Life can be full of surprises.
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo © by Craig Smit
BPP: Which exactly was the moment you understood what you want to do in your life? How did you feel at this very moment?
Olga Saretsky: When it comes to the time, when I knew what I'd like to do in life, see question 5. But honestly, I have those moments all the time. The moments I realize what I would like to
do next. I have those while designing, performing, driving, thinking, feeling, breathing.
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo ©by Craig Smit
In those moments of understanding I always feel different: sometimes happy, sometimes I am
proud and some times I am also mad or sad. It is like starting to cut the fabric without any
specific idea or picture in mind but the desire to create ... and all of a sudden I KNOW what
to DO. Then I am inspired. Every moment is important, every moment matters.
Image courtesy: Olga Saretsky - photo by Craig Smit
Image courtesy: Olga Saretzky- photo© by Craig Smit
BPP: Something yours: Do you want to tell us something we didn't ask you until now?
Olga Saretsky: I just want to say that your questions are brilliant and i had pleasure to answer them..
Olga Saretsky's drawing for BPProject
Photos © by Craig Smit - Costumes Design: Olga Saretsky. All rights reserved
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