Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bonnie Strauss, Jewelry & Clothes Designer, Los Angeles, California, Usa

    Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

Bonnie Strauss: "Follow your passion. Don’t let money take you away from your destiny"

BPP: Identity: Who you are? And who you really are?

Bonnie Strauss: I’m a female clothing and jewelry designer and I work in the United States. My purpose in life is to be a visionary  and to add beauty to all of life. To be able to make people happy through my creative art.

I’m a mother, a wife, and a dreamer.

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss  - photos by Jennifer Strauss

BPP: If you could say something important you've learned all these years of your life, to the other people and they were able to listen to you, what would you like to tell them?

Bonnie Strauss:  Life is short. Make it count. Do what brings you joy.

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

BPP: What is your real dream, the one that keeps you awake at nights and if one day it will come true, you will feel your heart calm and peacefull?

Bonnie Strauss: My real dream is just to enjoy the beauty of my life. To be able to see the world through my eyes. To have total calmness and serenity. Just to be able to breathe the air, feel the wind, look at the ocean, see the birds, smell the flowers.  TO HAVE ENOUGH TIME.

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

BPP: How is life for the people in your country today? What do you wish to happen to them and to the people of this planet at large?

Bonnie Strauss: Life in USA seems to be a major struggle. It is a very difficult time for the young and old regarding employment. People are constantly stressed out over money and the ability to find work. I wish everyone peace and harmony.

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

BPP: If you had the chance to be a child again, will you choose to do the same life you do?

Bonnie Strauss: If I could be a child again, I would definitely still pursue the same career choice. However, I would have put my family ahead of my passion. I allowed the need of money to come ahead of my life.

I probably lived my life too rigidly, but at least I understand that now … and am starting to let go.

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

Which exactly was the moment you understood what you want to do in your life? How did you feel at this very moment?

Bonnie Strauss :I always knew I wanted to be a designer at a very young age. It gave me such joy that nothing in life was able to be as fulfilling as my inner creative process. 

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

The first time I had a piece of fabric 
in my hands, I had to cut it up, sew it into something, and dye it. I think I was 8 years old. I felt like I owned the universe.  It was a great feeling of accomplishment. I felt like I did something nobody else could do.

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

BPP: Something yours: Do you want to tell us something we didn't ask you until now?

Bonnie Strauss: Follow your passion. Don’t let money take you away from your destiny. Enjoy the process. Enjoy your life.

Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

Bonnie Strauss Clothes Collection - Image courtesy: Bonnie Strauss - photos by Jennifer Strauss

Bonnie Strauss 's  Drawing for BPProject

If you are interesting to learn more about Bonnie Strauss:


Photos© by Jennifer Strauss. Clothes & Jewelry Design : Bonnie Strauss. All rights reserved

1 comment:

  1. Who retails your eyelet tunic in L.A.? NYC? I would buy it online if I knew a resource. I want the eyelet tunic in black in size M. It is sheer and loose. The source here only has size S. Thanks.
