Saturday, December 24, 2011

Penelope Charalampous, Dance Instructor, Athens, Greece

     Image courtesy: Penelope Charalampous 

Penelope Charalampous: "whoever says that the Greeks only have fun and spend money, I can show them thousands of my fellow citizens in cold homes and  with empty refrigerators." 

BPP: Identity: Who you are? And who you really are?

Pinelopi Charalampous: I live in Athens, Greece.
I studied pedagogical and obstetrics, but currently i'm a dance teacher ( arabic belly dance ).

BPP: If you could say something important you've learned all these years of your life, to the other people and they were able to listen to you, what would you like to tell them?

Penelope Charalampous:The only thing I am sure, is that everything is possible! I would suggest to people to engage with the philosophy, to start from scratch since the beginning. To read Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Decart, Spinoza, up to modern philosophers. I guarantee them a unique journey; philosophy leads to deification, to emotion and doubt... and when there is doubt there is thought, and therefore extension. ''I think therefore I am'' the internal change will bring the mutation and our world will become more beautiful. Some of us who have young children are lucky because they live with small philosophers and philosophy courses will become easier for those.

Image courtesy:Penelope Charalampous
BPP: What is your real dream, the one that keeps you awake at nights and if one day it will come true, you will feel your heart calm and peacefull?

Penelope Charalampous:My first dream is to see my daughter happy and mature woman. That means to live and to follow the evolution and maturity of life.
In my young dream to be a chef in my own restaurant . I close my eyes and I see myself between porcelain, floral curtains and white daisies… full of smells and flavors, very calm and happy . 

Image courtesy: Penelope Charalampous
BPP: How is life for the people in your country today? What do you wish to happen to them and to the people of this planet at large?
Penelope Charalampous: Greece is living under the theory of old Scrooge, justice exists only between equals…

My people are deceived, humiliated throughout this scam erected by bankers, politicians and journalists. We Greeks are impulsive, sensitive and conscientious All these make us gullible. The media trampled on Greek people, deescalated and cheated them.

We all know now that staginess and may suffer but our solidarity and our pride can not be taken by anyone. And whoever says that the Greeks only have fun and have money, I can show them thousands of my fellow citizens in cold homes and empty refrigerators.

Image courtesy: Penelope Charalampous

Yesterday evening I was talking with a friend who lives 500 kilometers away from my town, she was hungry and had no money to buy a yogurt to eat ..of course I didn’t eat dinner that night from my guilt ... Alas though accustomed to such images!

Do not be sad because capitalism made us abject, but be angry and try to find out how to escape from this absurd status; every absurd thing ends badly and we are already at the beginning of the end ...

 Image courtesy:  Peneleope Charalampous

BPP: If you had the chance to be a child again, will you choose to do the same life you do?

Penelope Charalampous:No! I spent very annoying childhood. When I came adult I found an obscure mountain in front of me. Until I climb on top and get self knowledge, I  spent a lot on this, So I  chose all the rest to be easy. But again I would choose my partner, my daughter and I love them very much. Of course if I had another life and other experiences then I wouldn’t know all these people and I would not miss them, as well I don’t miss those people I’ve never known but I could be madly in love with them (laughs)

Image courtesy: Penelope Charalampous
BPP: Which exactly was the moment you understood what you want to do in your life? How did you feel at this very moment?

Penelope Charalampous:What I wanted changed according to each period of my life . For example when I finished my studies and I started working I think this is just to preserve; for me the important was to travel, to learn other countries, world cultures, tastes, and I did it. For 5 years I’ve been working, getting money and traveling. I’ve been to every country I wanted, I felt uniquely, I got full of it!

Then I thought that what I want to do in my life is a child . I did it, but motherhood is something that never get enough . Now with the crisis and high unemployment I make my hobby my profession. Teaching Arabic Oriental (belly dance) is something that gives me joy, positive energy and some money, but I know that this is a break before I finish my dream...  maybe when I fulfill it then I will dream something else; it's nice to dream even if it never happens, it gives you a reason to exist, and keeps you young for ever.

Image courtesy: Penelope Charalampous

BPP: Something yours: Do you want to tell us something we didn't ask you until now?

Penelope Charalampous I would like to be asked: "what do you particularily like from the short trip on earth ?" And i would give this answer: " the sea, the rainbow, wind, fog,the trampoline, chocolate ice cream, the smell of burning wood, the rain, the gardenias, the siesta in a hammock, dance, the sound of the violin, the smell of my baby, the cinema, the sticks, the sound of Dreamcatcher..

Penelope Charalampous' Drawing for Beautiful People Project

Photos © by Penelope Charalampous. All rights reserved.

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