Saturday, December 24, 2011

Anastasiya Lelina, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, a young lady at the beggining of her life

    Image courtesy:Anastasiya Lelina

Anastasia Lelina: "To dream about material things doesn’t make you materially-minded"

 BPP: Identity: Who you are? And who you really are? 

Anastasiya LelinaHi, I’m Anastasia, I’m from Russia. My specialty is environmental protection, not the worst specialty, isn’t it? But I never worked in this part of engineering. Till nowadays  I’m trying, and trying, and trying to find what am I belonged to, which part of life I could be useful, what work would make my life meaningful. 
Image courtesy:Anastasiya Lelina

BPP: If you could say something important you've learned all these years of your life, to the other people and they were able to listen to you, what would you like to tell them?

Anastasiya Lelina: Friends, live your life a 100%, if you cry, then cry a 100%, if you lough, do it a 100%, we don’t have more and less of this 100%, so why don’t we live those 100%? Live in present, that’s not easy, our mind is always jumping from “what I’ve done” to “what I’m going to do”, just listen to your mind a minute,  you’ll see I’m right. If you find a few minutes a day to be in present, right now,  you would understand that you are already happy, right in this moment in present you don’t need a new red car, a university  for your unburned yet child,  your annual report for boss, you just realize that you are completely full and need nothing. That is happiness! so be happy!) And when you are happy you always find strength to do whatever you want would it be a red car or help to a people all over the world. 

Image courtesy: Anastasiya Lelina

BPP: What is your real dream, the one that keeps you awake at nights and if one day it will come true, you will feel your heart calm and peacefull?

Anastasiya Lelina: First of all, I’m sure that all of our greatest dreams should be temporary. Because each dream should become True one day, without it there is no any point to dream so you have to move on, get the other great dream. That what makes my life really interesting.  Among all of my material dreams (I have a strong assurance that to dream about material things doesn’t make you materially-minded), which would definitely make me the happiest human being ever. I would give all my love to the whole world, my power of happiness would bring people feeling that they can do the same thing, make their dream come true. Meanwhile I want to get that level of self-perfection to have a perfect intuition, that’s mean to hear and to see all signs of universe, which is always looks your way, always full of gifts for you so you just need to feel those signs and take a gifts of universe.

Image courtesy:Anastasiya Lelina

BPP: How is life for the people in your country today? What do you wish to happen to them and to the people of this planet at large?

Anastasiya Lelina: People of Russia.. I have a lot to say about us, bad and good either..) Features of mentality, which brought us to situation we are in now, we stucks in the 90th and haven’t or don’t want to have a chance to move on, the main thing is that our  government is benefit to keep us in such position deep down from increase. Slow progress, no chances to say a new word in science and economics. Democracy is meaningless word in our country. Nothing good in future for our kids, for me either. And to the people of the world I would wish to spend more time without television and other media, including internet, there are 90% instilled information that makes us think mostly negative, we distracted from our life, from our dreams. The reasons of this instill are obvious, but why should we think this negative way? It’s our life and it’s amazing without influence from outside.  

Image courtesy:Anastasiya Lelina

BPP: If you had the chance to be a child again, will you choose to do the same life you do? 

Anastasiya Lelina: I wish I was born in another country, I wish I had more self-confidence – that’s all are so not serious, isn’t it?)) I never ever had regrets of what I’ve done or haven’t done when I was younger, the only reason is – it’s senseless.  

Image courtesy: Anastasiya Lelina

BPP: Which exactly was the moment you understood what you want to do in your life? How did you feel at this very moment?

Anastaisya Lelina: This question  is exactly for me)). I’m still in endless searching) 

Image courtesy:Anastasiya Lelina

BPP: Something yours: Do you want to tell us something we didn't ask you until now?

Anastasiya Lelina: Have fun of life. Don’t be too serious, take care of your child inside you, keep wondering every little thing  in the world, be curious and believe in miracles because thoughts are materials, so you can make any miracle happen.

Anastasiya Lelina's drawing for Beatiful People Project

Photos © by Anastasiya Lelina. All rights reserved.

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