Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Boris Glikman, Writer, Poet, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    Boris Glikman's portrait created by the artist Ag Nes

Boris Glikman: "No longer young enough to know it all, not yet old enough to know better"

BPP: Who are you? And who you really are?
Boris Glikman:This is a very interesting and pertinent question and I am still striving to solve this mystery. Perhaps it will take me all of my lifetime or, indeed, beyond it, to find the answer to it. 
"The Reincarnated Between Two Worlds Self" - created by Anne Marie Delfini

BPP: If you could say something important to others who were listening, what would you tell them?
Boris Glikman:Listen to your Inner Self and follow its voice, for when you go against it, you are battling against the whole Universe, and when you follow it, the whole Universe is behind you, supporting your endeavours.

"The Sun Self" - created by the artist Ag Nes

BPP: What is your true dream, the one that keeps you up at night and if one day it were to come true you would feel peace and calmness in your heart?
Boris Glikman:To be true to my Inner Self, to discover all that I am capable of achieving and to fulfil all of my potential. 

"The Creatures of the Night negative Self" - created by the artist Ag Nes

BPP: How is life currently for the people in your country and what would you wish for them and for the planet at large?
Boris Glikman:Each person for me is a closed - off universe, an enigma that I can not ever know anything about. So I cannot speak for anyone else.
Also, I don't believe that such statistics as Gross Domestic Product, national average annual wage, unemployment rate, inflation rate etc give any indication whatsoever to people's happiness, well-being or contentment. These figures have nothing to do with people's inner world.
I would wish for everyone to be able to solve, to their own satisfaction, the mystery that life is.

 Boris Glikman's  portrait created by the artist Laura Mercer

BPP: If you had a chance to be a child again would you choose the same life?
Boris Glikman:I would spend less time eating the unripe, sour fruit from the Tree of Tomorrow and instead would enjoy the fruit from the Tree of Today.

"The Find Self" - created by  the artist Ag Nes

BPP:  What was the exact moment that you realized what you wanted to do with your life?  How did you feel at this very moment?
Boris Glikman:I have gone through many different incarnations and have taken many different roles in the world, but none of them were true to my Inner Self. I could have been a top mathematician/physicist but my heart wasn't in it, and in the end one has to follow one's heart. The relatively recent development of the role of writer/philosopher is something that rings true for the very first time in my life and I feel that my destiny is finally revealing its shape, slowly emerging out of the fog and mist that have enveloped it for such a long, frustrating time now.
 So there hasn't been an exact moment, as such. Rather it has been a very slow, gradual, still ongoing process of learning about myself, as well as finding out what I definitely do not want to do with my life.

"The Broadly Brushed Self"  - created by Dmitry Kandov  

BPP: Would you like to tell us something we didn’t ask until now?
Boris Glikman: If the readers wanted to learn more about me and explore further the world that I have created through my writings, they can do so by reading my stories, fables, poems and philosophical articles in my blog below:

Also, thank you to you Ismini for creating this wonderful project which gives voice to creative people around the world and thank you also for the honour of letting me be a part of it.  

    Boris Glikman's drawing for BPProject

No longer young enough to know it all, not yet old enough to know better.

I'm at that age when I have time for everything except patience.


 Drawing created by the artist  Andy Paciorek

One day,
my friends and I descended
into the sewers
underneath the metropolis
and discovered the most unusual eel-like creatures
lounging indolently
on the concrete banks of the subterranean river.

There they were,
lying close to the river's edge,
only deigning to bestir,
dip their heads languidly
into the passing current,
when a particularly choice morsel
of human waste floated by.

Their appearance overpowered me
with its repulsiveness.

"How could Evolution ever
come up with such a horrible abomination?"
I remember wondering to myself.
"How could Nature ever allow
such a glaring insult against Herself
to arise and flourish,
such a  travesty,
such a betrayal,
such a perversion of the very natural order?"

Yet when I looked closer
at these anathemas,
a most astounding feature
revealed itself to me.

Somehow, through some playful whim
of the Goddess who directs and
oversees the evolutionary process,
these overgrown worms
developed human faces.

Nay, not just human faces,
but visages of angelic beauty
such that no earthly woman
would ever dare to possess,
lest the Gods became spiteful and jealous.

This discovery was so unexpected,
the radiance of their mien so intense,
I stood transfixed,
unable to take my gaze
even for an instant
away from these heavenly creatures.

Their eyes looked at me
with all the cognition of a person.
Their facial expressions were those
of  kindness, serenity, wisdom.

There were two over to the left,
holding their heads close to one another,
gazing deeply, just like two lovers,
into each other's eyes.

Suddenly I felt an odd sort of compassion for them.


Drawing created by the artist  Andy Paciorek

It started out inconspicuously,
a small pimple
on the lower left of his back,
something that no one
would ever give a second glance at.

It didn't even itch,
so demanded no instinctive scratching.

it grew
and grew,
developing into
a small cyst at first,
then into a larger and larger one
acquiring along the way the powers
of perception, cognition, speech, reason.

It became more and more dominant
in the running of his life til
there came a point
when he realized
he had become
the boil.

He now was the awkward,
ugly lump of shapeless,
useless flesh that needed
to be amputated
at the soonest possible opportunity,
discarded with other medical waste
or better still,
pickled and preserved
for eternity as a freakish
anatomical occurrence–
a talking, reasoning pustule
that apparently possessed
all the features of a well-developed human being.

He clearly saw how all this time
he had deluded himself
into believing that he was a real person
who deserved love,
all the rights
that every member of society should possess
he was just a cyst
that somehow grew,
assuming the proportions,
the attributes of a person.


Drawing created by  the artist  Andy Paciorek

It is the middle of a sunny summer day
I am running down the stairs
quickly and excitedly, with my neighbours following me.

We all want to see the Sun
It just fell down in the front yard
I saw it coming down like an overripe cantaloupe,
staining the sky with sticky, succulent golden juices. 

There it is,
lying on the ground,
a giant orange, trampling the grass it landed on,
squirting its warm essence all over our bodies.

The neighbourhood dogs are running around,
barking at this strange visitor.

I approach it warily. I touch it.
It is warm and beautiful,
glistening in the mid-noon light.

I remember well the feelings of amazement, incredulity,
inexplicable joy overwhelming me
and the comical expressions of confusion
on the faces
of my neighbours.


 Drawing creatd by the artist  Andy Paciorek

These are
creatures of the
that I
bear during

Day, uncouth, arrogant Day
deigns no comfort for
their existence.
Only Night, demure
soft-speaking Night
broods them
to the fullness
of term.

For the rude,
intolerant brightness
of Day
shrieks at
their unnatural visage,
pushes them back
into the womb’s

Only night’s Moon
succours them
with its milky radiance,
the golden mead
of the Sun
being as though
vilest viper venom
to their young
tender mouths.

No birth pangs
their creation,
they spring forth
with such hale vigour,
that I become
but an adjunct,
a pale copy
of their existence,
as if they are
the begetter
and I am but a helpless infant
devoid of all knowledge,
sapped of all

Born with
no blood
nor nature’s yolk
they feast
on the nearest flesh
consuming voraciously
that of which they came,
like hideous grubs,
their creator
from inside.

So eager are they
to leave their natal home,
they themselves
chew off
the life cord
that once
bound them to me,
My own offspring
made my


Drawing created by the artist Andy Paciorek

The smell hits you as soon as you step out of the air-conditioned airport. You feel the residue, the fallout of broken dreams hitting your palate. The charred remains of incinerated hopes mix with the omnipresent smog and invade every pore of your being.

The shuttle bus takes you to your hotel over miles and miles of pulverized aspirations paved over by concrete highways. From the bus window you can see the Hollywood Boulevard, where gold stars are set into asphalt, merging imperceptibly with the Promenade of Dead Dreams where the stars are wrought of dirty and soggy cardboard and are stuck onto the pavement with scotch tape or wads of old gum. Each cardboard star marks the exact spot where a particular dream breathed its last.

Different dreams die in different ways. Some shatter into jagged shards and one gets badly cut trying to piece them together again. Some fragment into neat, symmetrical fragments and re-construction is a relatively straightforward task, sort of like solving a jigsaw puzzle.  Others just crumble away, like burnt paper, and nothing is left to do except to warm your hands over their long-cold ashes.

Around each broken dream a mass of people sit in huddles, protecting it, as best they can, from the elements and the vagaries of fate and keeping a vigil, just in case it stirs and shows signs of life, for no dream can be obliterated completely.

LA, a Dream Slaughterhouse masquerading diabolically as a Dream Factory. The dream incinerators keep working day and night, around the clock, producing clouds of smoke that comprise of dreams reduced to their base elements: deep yearnings, life-long desires, burning ambitions, great aspirations, ineffable hunches rumbling just below the conscious mind, indestructible beliefs, half-remembered childhood premonitions.

The city takes delight in finding new ways to kill dreams, in finding new dreams to put to death. Special extermination squads roam its streets, ransacking every nook and cranny of the people’s souls and minds for any treasured hopes that might be in hiding there. The perversity of its depravity is such that it even gives birth to dreams just so that it can shoot them and watch them die. It makes you come face to face with your shortcomings, makes you face your failures. It knows all the delusions that comfort us throughout our lives, the delusions that keep us warm and secure at night, the delusions that sustain us through our daily struggles, the delusions that we use to solve our existential crises, the delusions that help us through our darkest times, the delusions that we stubbornly hang on to, nurture and cherish; the delusions that we would defend to our very deaths.

Every delusion gets hunted down and taken care of in this town: the delusion that one is special and unique; the delusion that one has singular and extraordinary talents; the delusion that one is in possession of insights into life that the rest of the world lacks and that one is privy to truths that no one else can access; the delusion that one is destined for greatness; the delusion that one is a genius whom the world doesn’t appreciate; the delusion that one will find a soul mate meant just for them and whose love will save them; the delusion that the convictions that one tenaciously holds on to are not delusions at all but are rather veracious, valid beliefs derived from experience and insight and supported by evidence from both the outer and inner worlds; the delusion that one is above the laws of humanity and deserves to be treated differently; the delusion that a lucky break will come to you in the end; the delusion that somewhere some person, angel or god is working on your behalf, trying to help you with your journey through life and is looking after you; the delusion that one is protected by fate and special luck from bad things happening to them; the delusion that there will come a day when one will begin to live happily ever after; the delusion that one will find meaning in one’s tribulations and that one’s struggles will be justified in retrospect; the delusion that it all will turn out well in the future; the delusion that one’s life is just a bad, absurd dream and that one will eventually wake up to find oneself living a happy life that makes sense; the delusion that you alone, out of the multitude in the present world and throughout the course of history, will be spared from death; the delusion that one does not have any delusions.

Over the eons the native denizens of the city have evolved a protection mechanism - they dream only fake dreams and have only counterfeit delusions so that when their hopes are destroyed, it doesn’t hurt at all. Only the unwary outsiders possess no genetic defence system and it is their dreams that the metropolis preys upon.

The mountains, mute witnesses to the tribulations and sufferings down below, are always there, solid and eternal, their paradoxical presence contrasting sharply with the ethereal and evanescent dreams floating around in the valleys.

Yet there might be an explanation to this incongruity for according to an old American Indian legend, the LA area was once flat as a pancake. Over time the detritus of destroyed dreams landed on the outskirts and amassed to create the mountains. Just as coral reefs are comprised of myriad dead organisms, so the mountains around LA are composed of fragments of lost hopes, scraps of unfulfilled ambitions and shells of dead dreams, with each broken dream contributing about 2/7th of an inch to the mountains’ height.

The mountains say nothing, expressing themselves through that most ancient, most articulate, most authentic and most profound language of all – absolute silence.

A few words about writing from Boris Glikman:

Boris Glikman: ""Writing for me is a spiritual activity of the highest degree.

Writing gives me the conduit to a world that is unreachable by any other means, a world that is 

populated by Eternal Truths, Ineffable Questions and Infinite Beauty.

It is my hope that these stories of mine will allow the reader to also catch a glimpse of this 


Poems and stories created by Boris Glikman. Drawings created by  the artists  Andy Paciorek, Dmitry Kandov. Painting by  Anne Marie Delfini. Surreal portraits of Boris Glikman created by the artist  Ag Nes and the artist Laura Mercer. All rights reserved.


  1. thank you for this Ismini! It is great!

  2. Boris: You are so gifted, a treasure to the world. Keep the optimism going and look forward to seeing you in the future!

    1. Thank you Genine! I appreciate your beautiful comment!

  3. I have known Boris for some time and I discovered through his wrtings wether poems, poetry or non-fiction a whole universe of unexplored beauty and emotion. As is often the case with the most enlightened, Boris is generous and humble and willingly shares the treasures of his inner being with enthousiasm and grace. In my country, we say "If you didn't exist, we would have to invent you" but in your case dear Boris, if you didn't exist, who could possibly invent you? I hope you will forever continue to make people happy and a little bit better through your writings.

    1. Thank you for this wonderful and amazing feedback Polly! I deeply appreciate it!

  4. Wonderful portrait of you, Boris. When I hear "BP," I'll think of you instead of the other BP.

    1. Thank you Chris! I appreciate you thinking of me every time you drive past a BP station!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. And I thought I was the quintessential Realist; only to find, that you, dear Boris are the visual, social and emotional Realist of all realists. Bravo!!
