Monday, January 2, 2012

Nazzarena Lucidi, Jewelry Designer, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

   photo  © by Patrizia MBurr

Nazzarena Lucidi: "remember, that everyone is on this earth in relation to the other"

BPP: Identity: Who you are? And who you really are?

 Nazzarena Lucidi: My name is Nazzarena Lucidi, I am 44 years old and I live in Italy, my country, where I have been creating jewelry for more than 20 years.
I do not speak only about myself, but mainly about mankind, with its ancestral meanings, its aspirations and feelings, starting from the beauty that surrounds me, which I respect most , daughter of our history.

In my studio, I express on paper every emotion that overwhelms me; colored pensils quickly dose my thoughts.. Then the study of the size, proportions and harmonies are combined  by the choice of materials to express the finest poetry my thought can suggest.

  photo  © by Patrizia MBurr

As the project comes to life, new techniques are experimented and new roads explored ...a continuos growth all the way to the end.

Each piece tells a story that ultimately belongs to everybody, children of the same world. I think this is the meaning I give to my work. I create jewelry because of an inner need, but, as a matter of  fact, my jewels speak a language which is not difficult for someone  to understand, if he lets himself free to close his eyes and discover the truth that lies behind them and after that, he still has the courage to talk about it. 

 photo  © by Patrizia MBurr

BPP: If you could say something important you've learned all these years of your life, to the other people and they were able to listen to you, what would you like to tell them?

Nazzarena Lucidi: My life was quite simple. I have not been avoided the pain just like every other human being, but I was given so much love and joy that today I feel an immensely fortunate and happy woman whith a normal life. This had a lot to do with my fears, still ongoing and probably due to never end... Of course what I have learned is that the true success of a human being resides in its soul, in the process of its mind and in the pure ingenuity of those who capture the joy of creation in every moment. I can think of nothing more than that can make you feel free.

 photo  © by Patrizia MBurr

BPP: What is your real dream, the one that keeps you awake at nights and if one day it will come true, you will feel your heart calm and peacefull?

Nazzarena Lucidi: I believe that the dreams of human beings are of less importance. There is one, however, that I dreamt since I was a little child..: that the energy of all the spirits of this world, will unite one day and will form a virtuoso vortex that will sweep away the evil...
In fact, I'd like to know that really there is a strong will of this kind in every human being, because, if that is so, I would have no fear to believe that this could really happen one day.

 photo  © by Patrizia MBurr

BPP: How is life for the people in your country today? What do you wish to happen to them and to the people of this planet at large?

 Nazzarena Lucidi:  In my country today, there is an air of fatigue, we feel mistreated and humiliated by our own government. Italy is a country of great culture and history that seems to be forgotten. The voice of the people has no opportunity anymore to be heard and often I think that the only way for someone to do something good is to get out of this country. All these are true. Of course we think about the lives of our fathers, their real suffering and uncertainty, and that make our problems seem ridiculous. Regardless of the economic conditions of the population,  the saddest thing of all is the lack of time to create culture in this country. The cult of beauty, once understood in all its aspects as a balance, is now covered by a few. This reflectts the feelings and the relationships with others and even in a small newspaper where attitudes have to do with each other now seems all too often  a battle of roles.
This is what I'd like to happen to the people of this world; and remember, that everyone is on this earth in relation to the other.

 photo  © by Patrizia MBurr

 BPP: If you had the chance to be a child again, will you choose to do the same life you do?

 Nazzarena Lucidi: As a child I dreamed to be a dancer ... dancing is still one thing that I really like and in some periods of my life I have done it with passion, with pleasure and fun. The great thing about life is that everything can be done, if not now, maybe later. “There are no limits except those that you put in your way” ... I’ve learned this too in my life. But above all, I ‘ve learned  that the real treasure,  is the knowledge and the enrichment that follows,  without haste. So if I were a child again, I would wish for everything in my life, and would not let it be a barrier for me, but i will live it as one more thing among the others , from which I could  learn .

 photo  © by Patrizia MBurr

 BPP: Which exactly was the moment you understood what you want to do in your life? How did you feel at this very moment?

Nazzarena Lucidi: In fact, there was a special moment. It started as an adventure at the beginning. I also had the fear I could not so what I wanted, because I was afraid that I could never do something really good. Only a few years ago, after almost 15 years practicing my profession, my courage at last came out. With my pregnancy, I think. The birth of my daughter has been for me a new chance in my life and  at work ... a chance that never had before. The sudden perception of my own power , forced me to listen to that voice inside me screaming and asking to speak to people without any shiness. It 'was the beginning of my journey and I hope that it will never end.

 photo  © by Patrizia MBurr

BPP: Something yours: Do you want to tell us something we didn't ask you until now?

Nazzarena Lucidi: “….lascia andare la tua fantasia, fa più bella la vita”, which means:
" Let go of your imagination, it  makes life more beautiful."

Nazzarena Lucidi's drawing for BPPproject

If you want to learn more about Nazzarena Lucidi's jewlery:

Photos © by Patricia  MBurr -  Jewelry Design by Nazzarena Lucidi. All rights reserved.

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